
Kue Cokelat Kopi



Bahan :
• 250 gram margarine / mentega
• 125 gram gula pasir halus
• 4 kuning telur
• 50 gram cokelat masak, lelehkan
• 20 gram cokelat bubuk
• 250 gram tepung terigu, ayak.
Hiasan :
• 1 putih telur
• ¼ sdt cream of tartar
• 200 gram gula pasir halus
• 1 sdt air jeruk nipis pasta moka secukupnya.
Cara Membuat :
1. Kocok margarine dan gula pasir hingga mengembang, masukkan telur bertahap sambil dikocok hingga mengembang.
2. Masukkan cokelat masak, tepung terigu dan cokelat bubu, aduk rata.
3. Masukkan adonan ke dalam alat pecetak kue kering, siapkan Loyang pipih, olesi dengan margarine dan semprotkan adonan kue.
4. Panggang dalam oven dengan temperature 160 derajat celcius selama 15 menit hingga matang, angkat dan dinginkan.
5. Hiasan : kocok putih telur dengan sebagian gula pasir halus dan cream of tartar, tambah gula bertahap dan kocok, hingga kaku, masukkan air jeruk nipis, aduk rata, tambahkan pasta moka.
6. Masukkan ke dalam kantong semprot dan tube bentuk bintang.
7. Jika kue telah dingin, beri hiasan gula, dan diamkan hingga gula mengeras. Simpan dalam wadah kedap udara.


• 250 grams of margarine / butter
• 125 grams sugar
• 4 egg yolks
• 50 grams of cooking chocolate, melted
• 20 grams cocoa powder
• 250 grams flour sifter.
• 1 egg white
• ¼ teaspoon cream of tartar
• 200 grams sugar
• 1 teaspoon lemon juice to taste the pasta mocha.
How to Make:
1. Beat margarine and sugar until fluffy, gradually enter the egg with whipped until fluffy.
2. Enter cooking chocolate, flour and brown Bubu, stir well.
3. Put the mixture into the pastry pecetak tools, prepare a flat baking pan, basting with margarine and spray cookie dough.
4. Bake in an oven with temperatures of 160 degrees centigrade for 15 minutes until cooked, remove and let cool.
5. Garnishes: whipped egg whites with some sugar and cream of tartar, add sugar gradually and beat until stiff, put lime juice, stir well, add the pasta mocha.
6. Enter into the bag and tube forms a spray of stars.
7. If the cake has chilled, give sugar decorations, and let stand until sugar hardens. Store in an airtight container.

